Everything Health You Need Under One Roof
The future of healthcare is here at April
Brunetti, DC.
Have you ever known anyone unable to enjoy the beauty of Springtime, because of allergies? People often turn to medicine for themselves and children. Problem solved! Or is it? Are allergies caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body?
Colds & Flu
Have you ever known anyone who’s always coming down with a cold? Do they say, “I catch colds all the time. Guess it’s just normal for me.”
Exercises to Support the Spine
Have you ever wondered what types of exercises can help the spine? Smart question. Spinal exercises plus Chiropractic care is the perfect fit, because it allows the spine and body to heal better and faster.
Have you ever heard someone say “Regular headaches are part of my life, so I guess I have to put up with the pain”? Great news, that does not have to be the case.
How to Stay Young
Have you ever known someone to feel depressed because they’re aging quickly? Why does someone age when they do? And what does this have to do with chiropractic?
Have you ever known a woman to suffer through menopause? Menopause related issues include early menopause, hot flashes, headaches, mood swings and depression and even low back pain.
Neck Pain & Stiffness
Have you ever known someone to suffer from neck pain and stiffness? Many people turn to pain-relievers. Problem solved! Or is it?
Have you ever known someone to suffer from pain, numbness or tingling that travels down their leg, maybe even into their foot? Many people turn to pain relievers. Problem solved. Or is it? Is pain caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body?
Have you every know anyone who always seems to feel like a ball of stress? Stress has many symptoms, and causes all types of disease! Including some that my surprise you.